The ministries of St. Luke's engage in service and fellowship as an important step in growing to be more like Jesus.


Chairperson: Sandy Burrell

Meeting Time:   Saturday at 11:30 am



Acolytes are servants of the altar whose purpose is to prepare young people to serve God and the church, as well as aid the ministry of the church in whatever capacity is needed.

The Adventurers Club


Meeting Time:   Third Saturday at 6:00 pm 


A fund-raising group responsible for the Affairs of the Heart dinner dance, held in February and sponsors of the Annual Church Bus Ride; aka The Church's Family Picnic held in July.


Altar Guild

Chairperson: Carol Gaskill

Meeting Time:   Friday at 2:00 pm


A group who prepare the Altar, the Altar vessels, Priests' vestments and other items for worship.

Bible Study Group

Led by the Rector or Deacon

Meeting Times  

Wednesday at 9:30 am

Wednesday at 7:00 pm

Teaching the word of God and helping each person grow and understand how the Bible is applicable in our daily life today and every day.

The Brotherhood of St. Andrew


Meeting Time:   Last Saturday of each month at 5:00 pm


An international ministry of men; responsible for the Annual Fathers' Day Breakfast.


Church School

Chairperson: Virginia Bernard, PhD / Colleen Williams / Carol Gaskill

Meeting Time:   Sunday at 9:30 am


Classes range from pre-kindergarten through 12th grade and adults.

College Care and Armed Services Committee

Chairperson: Desiree Meighan-Menzies

Meeting Time:   3rd Thursday at 7:30 pm



Support our young people away at college, university, or the armed forces; sending care packages twice yearly.

Daughters of the King

Chapter President: Elizabeth Hunter

Meeting Time:  3rd Saturday of the month at 1pm 


An Order for women of the Episcopal Church dedicated to serving our Lord and building up the Body of Christ.


Let no one be a stranger at St. Luke's

The Rev. Dr. Pierre-Andre H. Duvert

"In John 17, Jesus prayed for his disciples to be one as He and the Father are one. For us to grow toward this oneness or to journey towards fellowship divine, it is important that we take time to get to know each other. At St. Luke's, we are blessed to have a large membership, however, our large membership can at times become a hinderance to true fellowship.

It is my hope that you will join us and make St. Luke's you church home"